Woman In England Hopes To Breastfeed Her Daughter Until Her 10 Birthday

Breastfeeding for some people has always been a controversial topic and something it continues to make headlines across the country for various reasons. Whether it’s a woman discussing how she was made to feel ashamed for nursing in public or a mother choosing to naturally feed her child for an extended period of time, social media is constantly covering the subject of breastfeeding in a variety of ways.

When it comes to breastfeeding, a woman, 36-year-old mother from England has been making waves in the online world. Check out her story below and let us know what do think about it.

Mom Breastfeeds In Order To Increase Daughter’s IQ

While most mothers stop breastfeeding before their children turn one, Miira Dawson of Poole, Dorset hopes to breastfeed her daughter, Tara until she is 10 years old — if it is possible. There are numerous reasons why she has chosen to breastfeed her child that long, and the main one is intelligence, as Miira says.

It’s also something most people do not remember.

“I think it is a lovely thing for a baby to grow up and remember being breastfed, as not many people would be able to say this — plus, there are all the health and IQ benefits.”

However, Tara isn’t the only child Miira breastfeeds. Dawson also has a two-year-old son and nurses both of them three times a day. “I don’t think other mums are bothered really. It’s none of their business but they may raise their eyebrows.”

They also practice co-sleeping. On top of breastfeeding, Miira also practices co-sleeping with her children. She sleeps in the middle of the bed with one child on each side. Her husband Jim sleeps in a separate bed for health reasons.

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