Attention: Top 15 Websites You Should Never Ever Visit

Internet is full of websites of different kinds and with variety of contents. However, there are some very disturbing and creepy websites that when you visit, it scares the hell out of you. These horrifying websites are so dreadful, that it sends shivers down your spine, no matter how strong of a horror fan you maybe. These sites will be hard to digest, once you go into the depth of these horrifying websites. Our highly recommend you never ever visit these horrifying websites! For the sake of your well-being!

Many of these horrifying websites founders have had legal problems over the content that is shared. Therefore, sit back and check out these top 15 horrifying websites. And one more time, we recommend you to never ever visit them.

15. White Enamel

A game site, which is certainly not for the faint-hearted. You are made to go around an abandoned insane asylum and the game’s uncanny soundtrack of an old man singing will certainly startle you. The game is so terrifying that players often mistake the footage of the asylum as being real. Some even feel as if they are watching a horror movie. It can shockingly affect the weak-hearted. So, never ever play this game.

14. Plane Crash Info

A very heartbreaking site which provides access to accident statistics, reports, maps, photos, and last words of plane crash victims, actual audio depicting the plane’s final moments in the air, the pilot’s orders, passengers’ final words, and the devastating moments the plane actually crashes below. Do not visit it unless you can ‘chew’ this heavy and emotional crash and you do not want witness something so devastating.

13. Cryptomundo

This site documents encounters or attempts to hunt down creatures like Chupacabras, Bigfoot, lake monsters and sea serpents. A very spooky site that describes some very believable sightings of these creatures in different locations around the world will leave you speechless. You decide whether there is any truth to the conspiracy theories behind their existence.

12. Hashima Island

This site allows you to travel around the forgotten world of Hashima – a deserted, creepy and abandoned island on the coast of Japan with a dark history. Its peak population in 1959 was 5,259 people occupying the island. In 1974, all coal mines were closed and all the residents departed, leaving the island abandoned. Ever since it has been known as “the ghost island of Japan.” This site, shows you everything from the “stairway to hell” to the actual coal mines and all of it looks so real giving a very creepy feeling.

11. Bestgore

Mark Marek, the founder of the site, was imprisoned because this site was so controversial and disturbing. It’s a shock site and its aim is to shock people who visit it. It contains the most disturbing videos of beheadings and dismemberment, violent real-life news, photos, and videos, which is a disturbingly real depiction of the horrors happening around the world. Recommendation: better stay away from it than regret.

10. Death Map

Before we describe it we strongly advise never ever to visit this site. If you visit it you will witness the population ratio of the world balancing. It shows every death occurring in the world at any given time you log on, and red dots will start appearing on whichever country has just had a death accompanied with a symbol to present the person’s religion, like a cross for a Christian for example. Along with this, there are green dots are also popping up to show all the births that are happening in the world.

9. Death Date

This is one of the most horrifying websites that have never ever existed. It tells you the exact date you are going to die. If you want to know, you have to submit a detail of personal information. A site will provide you a date and you’ll be given repeated reminders on time left for death to arrive. It’s a very unhealthy site, which engulfs a person in negative thoughts about his own death.

8. Bongcheon-Dong Ghost

We strongly advise not to open this online comic especially late at night. One of the scariest webcomic on the internet with very disturbing content. The entire text is in Korean and the illustrations are so graphic and clear that the language barrier doesn’t take away any of the comic’s scariness. It begins with a girl walking on a deserted street alone when she sees a strange-looking man in the distance, and from here on, things don’t get any less eerie.

7. The Fifth Nail Exposed

This is one of the most horrifying websites which are completely based on one man’s life as a convicted serial killer and violent sexual predator. Its content includes everything from the criminal himself Joseph E. Duncan III, who began his crimes in the ’70s and is now still in jail. He sends handwritten content to the creepy guy running the blog. It is extremely disturbing where one can get a clear insight into the mind and actions of a dangerous serial killer. If you have decided to visit the site anyway, don’t do it alone.

6. Death Row Information

Long story short, this site is a calendar highlighted with all the upcoming executions. It provides all types of death row information that are available from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice – exact details of all death row-related, including accounts of past executions and the final words of criminals just before they were executed. You can also see people who are currently on death row, their case history and the waiting list for their execution.

5. Joy of Satan

This site is dedicated to the religion Satanism. It was founded in 1966 by people having ideological and philosophical beliefs based on Satan. The focus is mostly on teens and children rigging them with their beliefs, origins, details about Lucifer, and even how to become a Satanist and join the hell’s army. Dear parents, maybe it’s time to set up parental control on your kid’s computer.

4. Darwin Time

Extremely messy and disorganized site with gruesome images, writings all laid out haywire on top of each other, thousands of hyperlinks cluttered randomly and all seem to work. One of the most horrifying websites consisting a compilation of all conspiracy theories including 9/11, Hitler, and even Woodstock. Website’s Twitter account had to shut down because of its weird and creepy content.

3. Skyway Bridge

This website tracks all suicides which took place from the 4th most popular bridge, the Sunshine Skyway Bridge located on the West Coast of Florida, USA. This site shows all tragic deaths of people who leaped into their death. Here you can see the entire history of this ill-fated bridge suicides. Strongly recommend never ever to visit this site.

2. A Columbine Site

This website documented the tragic shootings that took place at Columbine High School, 20 years ago in Colorado on 20th, April 1999. A highly planned attack by two senior students, where 12 were dead and 21 left injured. The site gives you actual descriptions of the mass murder, a video footage of the murderers and the exact route they took to school to perform their madness, who later committed suicide. Visit at your own risk.

1. Human Leather

This is the creepiest site, which you should never ever visit because their products will haunt you mentally, for weeks. ‘Human Leather’ is a British sales website that sells products which have been manufactured from human skin, which resemble almost like leather. The skin comes from people who have entrusted it to the site, prior to their death. They manufacture shoe, wallets, and bags from human skin. Belts have the highest demand and sales.

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