New Impressive Amazon Techonlogy Will Allow Couriers To Unlock Your Home

Excerpt: Amazon launched in-home delivery service named Amazon Key. Learn its benefits here.

In this technology fast world, we can get everything on our door step. But, will you allow in-home delivery even when you are not at home? Imagine a stranger opening your front door, dropping the package that you have ordered inside, locking again, and just leaving…

NOW this is possible! Amazon launched in-home delivery service named Amazon Key that will allow its couriers to unlock your door to deliver the package. This is new, and interesting… so keep reading, and if you like it, feel free to share!

Amazon Delivery System: A Step Further

Amazon is not just a step further from its competitors but a whole mile! Their delivery system  is becoming the leader in the field. How? We need a little bit of history for this…

It all started stated twelve years ago, when Amazon introduced Prime, a  paid subscription offer that entitles users to free two-day shipping in the United States. Since then, Amazon added numerous options to make delivery faster and trustworthy. One of the options is getting same-day delivery, as well as, handing over some items within an hour or two.

What if Amazon’s customers aren’t home to receive their packages? Amazon has found few solutions about this:

  1. Installed lockers in nearby building lobbies and convenience stores.
  2. Dropping package in the backyard via drones.
  3. A service that will allow its couriers to open your front door and deliver your package inside your home safely.

Let’s repeat the last one:

A service that will allow its couriers to open your front door and deliver your package inside your home safely.

YES! We don’t joke about this!

On 25th of October, Amazon launched a smart indoor security camera and lock system that works with its voice assistant Alexa. The service is named Amazon Key, and the camera is called Cloud Cam.

Amazon Key and Cloud Cam: How do they work?

The Cloud Cam is focused on the door, connected to the Internet via your home Wi-Fi. When a courier arrives with a package, first, they will scan the package barcode sending a request to Amazon’s cloud. Once the delivery has been checked out online, the cloud will give a permission by sending a message to the camera. Then, the smart camera will start recording. After this, the courier will get a notification on their app to swipe the screen in order to unlock the door. Next, the courier leaves the package, and finally, with just another swipe, they relock the door. In the meantime, the user will get a notification that their package has been delivered, along with a short video of the drop-off to confirm that everything was in order.

The Cloud Cam is made by Amazon, while the locks are from Yale and Kwikset. The smart camera is Amazon’s core piece of the Key service, as well as a straightforward home security camera. Moreover, it responds to voice commands, and it is integrated with the other Alexa devices.

Who Can Buy Amazon Key?

This set of delivery system is only for Amazon’s Prime customers. They can order the Cloud Cam starting from 25th of October, while the Key app will be available on November 8th in 37 cities across the state. The camera is available for $120, and a set with a smart lock costs $249.99.

If you order Amazon Key service, you can get:

  • the items delivered securely into your home even when you are not there.
  • grant access to people you trust such as your family, friends, house cleaner, a dog walker…
  • security camera with smart lock that works with all Alexa devices.
  • real-time notifications of the whole delivery process.
  • free installation

Furthermore, Amazon plans to sell the whole system in package for those who want advanced home monitoring, which puts the product in direct completion market with smart home security brands such as Alphabet’s Nest, Logitech, and Ring.

A Big Question Arises: Will Prime Customers Trust Amazon?

The bid question is: will Prime users trust Amazon to monitor their homes? But, they are more to come regarding this matter… After all lessons on never talking to stranger, is it okay to unlock your front door to a one? What about customers’ privacy?

And, the answers… Of course only Amazon’s Prime customers hold the key to the answers. We will wait to see them as the time passes. But, my opinion is that you need really to trust a company to let it record your home, and even unlock your door for its employees.

What do you think? Do you trust Amazon enough to let it into your home?

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