UFC Fighter’s Family Believes DTaP Vaccine Caused Their Son’s Death

Another death raises the question whether DTaP vaccine is safe.

Nicholas was a healthy little boy when his father Nick Catone, a former UFC fighter, put him to sleep. That was the last time he heard his son saying “Goodnight Daddy”, because the next day when his wife Marjorie Catone went to wake up the baby, Nicholas was gone.

Marjorie explains that she and her husband are healthy and live healthy life: “My husband and I are super healthy. We are both athletic: Nick is a retired professional athlete and we own a successful gym and help others stay healthy and fit. I was an RN for 11 years and worked in a cardiovascular ICU (Intensive Care Unit). In 2013, we had our first child Madeline, a now three-and-a-half-year-old who is beautiful and thriving. We got pregnant again around her first birthday with our son Nicholas who was born on September 8, 2015. I had two very healthy pregnancies, I never took prescription or recreational drugs, I only consumed a prenatal vitamin and omega 3 for both pregnancies. I had an epidural but no pitocin that I’m aware of. I breastfed Nicholas for nearly nine months and he was on whole organic milk at a year old.

He began table foods a little before five months and loved to eat. I am very cautious as to what my children eat. I have always believed in home-cooked and organic foods. I always prepared their meals and limited sweets and snacks. Prior to the birth of my daughter, I completed an online course at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and became a certified health coach. I also used essential oils on my children regularly and tried to treat them at home before rushing to the pediatrician’s office. I made their own bath soaps, shampoos, hand soaps, lotions, etc… I did everything right. And I vaccinated my children.”

This is the shocking story of this young family, whose 20 months old son Nicholas suddenly died 17 days after receiving a DTaP vaccine.

Nick says that they recently noticed that their son was constantly showing symptoms of illness: “We noticed this past winter, though, that Nicholas seemed always sick: typical cold symptoms, occasional fevers and almost always related to visiting the pediatrician for a well visit and shots.”

Nick continues the story and explains that “Nicholas saw the pediatrician on January 3 this year for a persistent cold that lasted three weeks. They ordered antibiotics and one week later, on January 10, he had his 15-month well visit, where they administered the MMR. I took him back on February 3, with more cold-like symptoms that never seemed to go away and they prescribed antibiotics AGAIN – a triple whammy in one month!”

He explicitly emphasizes that his wife always took extremely good care of their children. She was always making sure their kids are eating healthy and are getting all the necessary health checks on time. Nicholas caught cold or fever from time to time, but according to Nick that happened always after every shot he got: ‘Every time he gets a shot, within the next few days he’s sick.”

On Tuesday, April 25, Marjorie took Nicholas for his 18-month scheduled appointment with his doctor. This was the day when he got the DTaP vaccine and only after 24 hours he developed another ‘cold.’ Marjorie explains she assumed that the colds were viral, as their daughter Madeline also caught cold after being around Nicholas. That is why she treated them with rest, some essential oils she prepared, healthy food and most importantly with lots of love.

Nick says that “after his DTaP shot, he had a rash for a day or so after, and a little cold and runny nose on and off.”

Marjorie explains that on Sunday, May 7th, or 12 days after Nicholas received the deadly DTaP vaccine, he was showing symptoms of fever with extremely high temperature of 102.2. “I’d seen him with higher fevers but he’d never been this lethargic. I dosed him with Tylenol [acetaminophen] once during the day, which broke his fever, and then a dose of Motrin [ibuprofen] at bedtime. Monday morning he woke up 100 percent fine and remained well.”

Marjorie continues the story and explains that the following Thursday when she came back home from work at 11:30 pm Nick was asleep. She says that she always put the baby monitor next to her to be able to hear if the baby cries or wakes up at night. That night she heard nothing. When she woke up on Friday, May 12 Nicholas was still asleep.

“By 8:30am, my instincts told me to crack Nicholas’s door open as he was still sleeping. Normally he pops right up, except this time he did not,” Marjorie explains.

“As I walked over to his crib, I found my beautiful son Nicholas on his belly with his knees bent in towards his chest, his head was slightly tilted to the left and when I picked him up, I quickly realized he was gone: he was so cold, blue and mottled. As a nurse, I knew he had been gone for a while and there was no chance of reviving him.”

Nick adds, “I was standing in the kitchen emptying the dishwasher. As soon as I heard the sound of Marjorie’s scream, I immediately knew. She came running out of his bedroom with him in her arms screaming ‘He’s dead, he’s dead.’ I ran over to them fell to me knees and felt the life pulled right out of me. Madeline was standing right by my side watching and hearing everything seeing her little brother in my wife’s arms, lifeless.”

Marjorie says that when the paramedics and the police arrived, all she wanted to do was warm her baby up and change his wet diaper.

Nick explains that Marjorie held their baby boy for an hour before the police and the paramedics arrived. When they finally arrived, Marjorie still didn’t want to let her child go. “I took my son from her arms carried him back to his room and lay him back down in his crib so they could finish their investigation. That was the last time I ever got to hold my boy: one of hardest things I ever had to do. It was the worst day of my life,’ Nick says.

Marjorie assumes that everything happened because of the vaccine: “My gut feeling, which keeps waking me up at night, is that it was the vaccinations.” She knows that she still has no proof for her assumptions, but she will do everything in her power to prove it.  She says, “I have several vials of blood and lots of tissue to seek further testing. I want closure, I want peace, I want answers, I want justice, and I want change. How does God give me a perfectly healthy boy and then take him away from me? God didn’t take him: Big Pharma did and I promise to prove it.”

The last Nicholas’ autopsy and lab results raised many questions the doctors have no answers for. Marjorie and Nick consulted many doctors, detectives, social workers, foundations and attorneys to help them find the answers for the tragic death of their son.

Marjorie explains that the day of Nicholas’ death, she told the detectives and doctors that he was recently vaccinated: “The day Nicholas passed away, I told the medical examiner’s office and detectives that Nicholas was recently vaccinated. I continued to follow up with them, sending information and requesting they test for vaccine injury while they were reviewing and ordering tests to find his cause of death… They didn’t and there is no checklist where the ME can ‘check off’ whether the child was recently vaccinated. She continues and says that until now there is no info from the child’s pediatrician who is sure that the vaccine didn’t cause Nicholas’ death. Marjorie seeks for justice and blames the system because according to her “there are so many glitches in this system.” “We need answers for closure, justice for our future and peace. I am so angry, and the anger brings me to tears. Nicholas was very special. There was always something so pure about his soul: something indescribable and unique. He still is my absolute everything.”

Nicholas autopsy showed all signs of vaccine injury, as mild cerebral edema, mild pulmonary edema, and visceral congestion.

A PubMed article discusses the DTaP vaccine, the one that Nicholas received 17 days before his death. It reveals that two-thirds of the babies who died from Sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS had been previously vaccinated against DPT (diphtheria–pertussis–tetanus toxoid). 6.5% of them died within 12 hours of vaccination, 13% within 24 hours, 26% within three days, while 37%, 61%, and 70% within one, two, and three weeks after being vaccinated.

Nick also thinks that DTaP vaccine caused their son’s death. According to him, Nicholas was perfectly healthy and happy child and the vaccine is the reason he is no longer with them. He says that the people must realize that they are brainwashed and the vaccine is nothing but a serious threat to every child’s life. He says that the vision of his wife running with their death son in her arms, while their daughter witnessed everything gives him strength to fight for justice.

Nick adds, “The more I think about the final results of my son’s autopsy report the more pissed off I get. To find out there was no answer, ‘no medical reason’ after going through all this is heart wrenching. With all the technology today, they can’t find out why my son unexpectedly passed away? They can find out how people died 3,000 years ago but they can’t find out how a little boy died today? Made all his well visits, was growing, had a bigger appetite then my three-year-old daughter did, perfectly healthy 20-month-old boy. Healthy heart, lungs and brain; everything about him came back healthy and normal. How does he just pass away? Cause of death: ‘Sudden Unexplained Death.’ Manner of death: ‘Natural.’ How the f… is that natural?

Nick and Marjorie continued their research and revealed that there are many parents who have gone through the same tragedy they did. They revealed some horrifying numbers about the kids developing seizure disorders after shots, being diagnosed with autism shots and kids who unexpectedly passed away.


Even though people believe that vaccinations are the best defense against the diseases threatening their children’s lives, that vaccines actually contain very dangerous chemicals, and they could be very dangerous, sometimes even more than the disease itself. That is why people should try to protect themselves and their health naturally and they should inform themselves better to be able to discuss with their doctor which is the best possible way to treat some disease and find the best possible way to improve their and their children’s wellness.

Source:  http://www.mommyish.com/dad-blames-vaccines-child-death/

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