5 surprising effects of caffeine on our health

We all love it, especially early in the morning. Coffee is the first thing people reach out to when they get up in the morning, and come to think about it, it’s one of the constant values in every coffee consumer in the world! Ah, all the things that connect people.

Approximately 1.6 billion cups of coffee are consumed every day, according to the International Coffee Organization. That supports the fact that coffee is indeed a very important component of our daily lives, so it’s worth the effort to go through the major advantages and disadvantages of consuming coffee on a daily basis.

Coffee is an effective and natural stimulant

Coffee’s main ingredient, caffeine, stimulates the central nervous system. It combats tiredness, improves focus and concentration – all everyday troubles of most people. This stimulating effect coffee has, starts only 15 minutes after consumption of coffee, and it’s been proven that it can last up to 6 hours! Now coffee is the tastiest drink that contains caffeine, but the ingredient itself can also be found in tea, energy drinks and even chocolate. Even some pain medications contain a small dose of caffeine.

Caffeine has health benefits too

Besides being the holy grail of concentration and power in the morning, caffeine is also beneficial for our health. Particularly, for our brain and liver. It’s been proven that 2-4 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of suicide in humans, and regular consumption of about 200 mg caffeine a day increases long-term memory capability.

Caffeine protects the liver too.

There’s a study claiming that consuming 3 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of liver cancer up to 50%. It also reduces the risk of throat and mouth cancer and it provides protection against Parkinson’s disease, and cardiovascular diseases.

It’s a socially acceptable, powerful psychoactive drug

Because of its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier to stimulate the nervous system, caffeine is considered to be a psychoactive substance. In addition to the fact that coffee is probably the most widely consumed drink ever, it’s no surprise that is falls under the category addictive substances.

Yes, there are negative sides to coffee consumption

If consumed in massive quantities, coffee can have side effects. It can cause hyperactivity and can make a human feel anxious and restless. It’s always dangerous for pregnant women, in which it can increase the risk of low birth weight babies. There’s even a study suggesting that large amounts of coffee can lead to early death.

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