20 Life Changing Rules Written By A Japanese Samurai 400 Years Ago That Will Really Change You

Are you searching some motivation to change your life for better? You are on the right place! Check out our list of 20 life rules written by a Japanese samurai.

Miyamoto Musashi, a Japanese Buddhist said that there are 20 rules that we must follow if we want to lead a happy and fulfilled life. Few weeks before his death, Mussashi created a list of the core rules he lived by. Born in 1584, he was a famous swordsman,  a prominent warrior, a Samurai, whose techniques and teachings are still studies. However, his life rules, placed in his book ‘The Way Of Walking Alone’ are the once that are highly motivational.

Below is Miyamato’s list of life rules. Read, grow & share!

1. Accept life as it is.

To be of good mental health, you must accept life as it comes. Anxiety, stress, and despair happen in everyone’s life, but you shouldn’t oppose them. Just accept them. In fact, acceptance is one of the most difficult aspects of life that will definitely make you stronger.

2. Do not get obsessed to gain pleasure.

Don’t spend time chasing down pleasure. Don’t become fill up your cravings for promotions, raises, and don’t get obsessed with sexual pleasure. Simply try to live in the moment, and enjoy pleasure when it comes to you.

3. Do not act on an impulse emotion.

According to Musshi, following your heart may result in bad decisions. This means that you should not act upon your impulse, just stick with what you know for sure.

4. Do not obsess over yourself.

Sadly, self-obsession is quite common among people. Constantly focused on online presence, trying to take a perfect selfie, you forget what really matters in life. Do your best to separate yourself from your ego to gain a better perception of the important things in life.

5. Don’t let jealousy rule your life.

Being a strong form of hatred, jealousy can ruin you if you get stuck in its grip. Try to be grateful for what you have.

6. Don’t attach to desire.

Similar like chasing pleasure, desire  only makes us want things that we may never have. So, don’t want more than you already have. Good things will come to you.

7. Don’t live in regret.

The past cannot be changed. Everything happens for a reason, and that past is a part of your life, a part from you. Don’t dwell on things that you once did, just move on.

8. Don’t dwell on a sad separation.

If you constantly think on a sad goodbye of a friend, family, and/or a loved one, it may stop you from moving on with your life. You cannot bring back the dead, leave them to rest in peace.

9. Don’t complain.

Many individuals complain when things go wrong. Simply let these things pass you by. If you complain, you hold your past over you. Let it go!

10. Don’t let lust rule you.

Strive for love and long-lasting relationships! Don’t waste your life on meaningless sex, and lustful thoughts.

11. Keep your options open.

Don’t plan you future with closed thoughts. Keep your options wide open, and let the best opportunities come your way.

12. Don’t be a slave to your surroundings.

Luxurious possessions may seem important, but there are more significant things in life. Love, health, and life itself should the number one.

13. Don’t be gluttonous.

Don’t take so much pleasure in eating. Strip your meals down to be filling, and don’t make their taste so important.

14. Don’t hold things that don’t need you anymore.

Avoid holding things that you don’t need you anymore. Even though those things were once important to you, they can still be cast aside. Do this if you want to live pure and simple life.

15. Don’t believe something just because you are told to.

Don’t believe in anything that you have heard. Made some space to your own thoughts and beliefs. Don’t follow the crowd, listen to other’s opinions, but form your own idea.

16. Respect God, but don’t rely solely on their guidance.

Respect your God, but don’t rely exclusively on their guidance. God cannot led you through every motion in life. In the end, it’s up to you, and you are the one who should make their own path.

17. Do not use weaponry unless it’s necessary.

Although Musashi was a famous warrior, he believed that weaponry should be used cautiously and only if it’s necessary. Defending yourself is okay, but attacking someone without reason is a sin.

18. Always protect your honor.

The only way to be true to yourself is to follow your own beliefs, and live life with honor.

19. Don’t chase happiness in the form of possessions.

Society made us to save for our retirement in order to live a life of luxury when we are old. But, you don’t need possessions to live happily. Just try to live in the moment.

20. Overcome the fear of death.

If you fear death, it may prevent you from living life to the fullest. So, live each day individually without fear of the consequences of every action.

Share Inspiration!

Miyamoto Musashi was one of the wisest men on earth who lived incredible life. But the question is: Do you like his rules? No, THIS is the question: Will you follow his rules?

This is how we should live our life. Still relevant. I encourage you to follow only those who you like and agree with. I believe that in that way you’ll gain the satisfaction you like. And if you have some life rules, feel free to share them with us!

Count for yourself. How many of those you already follow?

Article based on: https://www.peacequarters.com

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