See How People Differently Age, By These Photos Of Same People Taken in 2000 and then in 2017

Approaching reunion with the class-mates this year, photographer Josephine Sittenfeld remind herself that maybe she can recreate photos taken while she was student at Princeton University back 2000.

While those first photos was very usual, combining them with those from 2017 created such a piece of art, showing how people age differently. And, remind us all of the unstoppable power of the time. You can have or control everything, but not the time.

01. Ellie Kemper

02. Larry

03. Becky

04. Ethan

05. Aili



06. Craig, Denise, Amy And Jess

07. Anna

08. Tenley And Ryan

09. Chris, Connor Sam And Seth

10. Ethan, Ellie And Christina

11. Josephine

12. Chris

13. Katie And Amanda

14. Jess

15. Eveline

16. Olympia

17. Sophie


18. Ann

Source: Bored Panda

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