23yr Old Lost 400 Pounds By Only Changing Three Simple Things. See How She Looks Now

When Amber Rachdi of Troutdale, Oregon was 23-years-old she weighed 657 pounds in 2014. The only way she could move around was by a motorized scooter. She was unable to perform simple tasks like bathing herself. This forced her to have to move back in with her parents.

In an effort to regain her life Rachdi, who appeared on TLC’s reality TV show ‘My 600-lb Life’, she lost more than 400 pounds by doing three simple things: She:

  • changed her eating habits,
  • engaged in physical activities and
  • had gastric bypass surgery.

No matter if you have watched the show or not, you have probably at least heard of the TLC show ‘My 600 Pound Life’. It’s a reality show that follows lives of people with extreme obesity i.e. their backstory and how they got to where they are, their daily lives and routines, struggles to do simple tasks such as bathing, cooking, and driving.

This reality show was a wakeup call for Amber Rachdi who was the subject of the kick-off show for season 3. Since filming the episode in 2014, the now 26-year old has lost over 400 pounds and gained a new sense of confidence and purpose.

At the time when Amber’s episode was shot in 2014, she was 23-year old who weighed 657 pounds. Simple things like walking more than a few feet were nearly impossible for her. She couldn’t drive, as she could barely fit in a car. She couldn’t shower or bath herself and instead had to use a scrub brush to get clean. She was completely miserable.

Not only does Rachdi look like a completely different person but she is living a more fulfilling and active life.

Currently she has more than 66,000 followers on Instagram who look to Rachdi as an inspiration to make healthy changes in their own lives.

“It breaks my heart how many folks are coming to me with weight-related health concerns and stories of their struggles,” she wrote on Facebook.

“I resonate so deeply with the fears and feelings of shame people carry to me. But, I am not a doctor or a nutritionist or a health educator. My path isn’t made to be replicated or emulated. I can’t offer real advice about diet or exercise beyond this:

 Talk to your doctor. Talk to a nutritionist. Measure and track what you eat HONESTLY for at least a week beforehand. Find an accountability buddy. Reach out. You deserve both personal and professional allies!

“I can’t provide a meal plan or diet or be your support and for this I feel like I am failing people. I don’t know your needs or situations and I would be horribly negligent if I tried to tell anyone what to do with their bodies or health. Please stop asking. I simply don’t have the necessary qualifications. I wish you luck in becoming you best selves! I’m cheering for you!”

Amber explains to her followers that surgery isn’t a magical fix for losing weight. What it takes is lifestyle changes that are a little easier to make because of the surgery.

“I think mostly what it [gastric bypass] does is buy an overweight person time to learn new habits, get into therapy, and learn to make better choices on their own,” Amber wrote on Facebook. “Tons of folks need revision if they don’t focus their energy on learning new skills while the surgery is super restrictive.”

Countless Rachdi’s followers say that she could even be a model with her new look. Take a look at her photos and judge for yourself!

Article based on: shareably.net

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