Everything We Have Been Taught About Our Origins Is A Lie

Have you ever question what is our origin? Or do you simply believe in what’s written in the common textbooks? Whatever is your answer, be prepared for a shock! There are many discoveries proving that everything we have been thought about our origins is a lie. How come? Keep reading to find a list of numerous findings showing that science establishment has been wrong.

The Hammer

Hiking beside a waterfall near London, Texas, in June 1936, Max Hahn and his wife Emma found a rock with wood protruding from its core.  Without many considerations, they took the rock, and cracked it open. What was hidden inside shocked the whole archaeological and scientific community. Inside the rock, there was some type of hammer made by ancient man.

A prominent team of archaeologist analyzed the object, and concluded several facts:

  • The hammer was more than 500 million years old.
  • Its wooden handle had begun the metamorphosis process into coal.
  • Made out of more than 96% iron, the hammer’s head was far more pure than anything else found in the nature.

The Ancient Clay Figurine

While workers were boring an artesian well, a small clay-baked figurine was extracted from a depth of 320 feet in 1889 near Nampa, Idaho. The figurine looked like a child’s toy. To reach this depth, the workers had to cut over 15 feet of basalt lava and many other strata below that.

Scientist came to conclusion:

The very top layer of the lava has been dated to at least 15 million years old.

The Hand-crafted Bell

In 1944, a ten year old boy, Newton Anderson, dropped a lump of coal that broke in half. Inside the coal was a hand crafted brass alloy bell with an iron clapper and sculptured handle. The analysis discovered that:

  • The bell was made from an unusual mix of metals, different from any known modern alloy production.
  • The lump of coal was estimated to be 300,000,000 years old.

The Gold Chain

Mrs. S. W. Culp found a circular shaped eight-carat gold chain embedded in a lump of coal in 1891. The chain was:

  • antique
  • belonged to a giant workmanship
  • very old

The Cast Iron Pot

A pot was found in a large lump of coal by a worker in 1912, in Wilburton, Oklahoma. Several facts raise above this discovery:

  • the pot was 300 million years old
  • it was cast iron

Fun fact: The cast iron technology began in the 18th century. Or maybe it’s even older but we didn’t know until this discovery.

The Iron Thimble

In the 1800’s, a Colorado rancher broke open a lump of coal to discover “strange-looking iron thimble”. Called ‘Thimble of Eve’, this object was dug from a vein some 300 feet below the surface, and it was millions of years old. Nevertheless, due to mishandling, the thimble corroded and fall apart.

The Salzburg Cube

Like the others, a worker named Reidl open a block of coal in an Austrian foundry in 1885. Embedded inside was a metal cube. Recent analysis concluded that the object is:

  • A forged iron
  • Hand crafted
  • Not perfectly square with slightly rounded sides on two ends
  • It measures only two and a half by one and four-fifth of an inch
  • It may have been a machine part, since there is an incision that runs around it horizontally.

The World Of OOPArts Or Out-Of- Place Artefacts

An out-of-place artifact (OOPArt) is an artifact of historical, archaeological, or paleontological interest found in an unusual context, that challenges conventional historical chronology by being “too advanced” for the level of civilization that existed at the time, or showing “human presence” before humans were known to exist.

The usual methods of the conformist scientific community, when faced with such anomalies is to attempt to debunk their reported age, or perhaps endeavour to discredit the source of the report or even the reporter. If this approach fails then usually the artefacts themselves are banished to the shadowy vaults of museums and warehouses, never to be seen again.

Occasionally an honest archaeologist will make an attempt to reveal to the public the true age and origin of such objects. They will question the accepted beliefs of their mainstream peers. They usually find that their career ends quite abruptly.

Sadly, the majority accept what they are taught in school and university without question. That’s our educational system! There is no space for individuality and originality.

Besides many theory of our origin including the Darwinists and the theory of evolution, and the creationists with the belief that some omnipotent invisible being who lives in the clouds, waved his magic wand about 7,000 years ago and created the earth and everything on it, the reality is that the origin of the human race is a total enigma. In fact, no one knows how old humanity is or how and where it originated. It’s a complete mystery.

The problem lays in these abnormal OOPArt that question every single established belief. Everywhere we look, we find objects that oppose the scientific beliefs of today.

The scientific society will never admit that these artefacts are authentic. If they do so, it would be to admit that they are completely wrong about our origins. Thus, they will need to invalidate all the text books used to educate us.

Moreover, it is an accepted belief that humans and dinosaurs did not co-exist. According to conventional academia, dinosaurs roamed the earth between 65 and 225 million years ago, whereas the earliest upright biped humanoid, homo erectus, only appeared about 1.8 million years ago.

Nevertheless, in 1968 the palaeontologist Stan Taylor began excavations of fossilised dinosaur footprints, discovered in the bed of the Paluxy river near Glen Rose, Texas. What he unearthed shocked and dumbfounded the scientific community. Alongside the dinosaur tracks, in exactly the same cretaceous fossilised strata, were well preserved human footprints.

The immediate reaction of evolutionists, archaeologists, and science in general, was to debunk this finding as a fraud.

Since the initial discovery, hundreds more human footprints have been discovered in many other places around the globe. Another findings discovered in 100 million year old cretaceous limestone, is next to consider: a fossilized human finger, a child’s tooth, and human hair.

Analysis concluded:

  • A typical porous bone structure expected in a human finger.
  • A Cat-scan and MRI scan identified joints and traced tendons throughout the length of the fossil.

More discoveries are added to our list!

Over the past few decades, miners near the little town of Ottosdal in Western Transvaal, South Africa, have been digging up hundreds of mysterious metal spheres. Two types of spheres have been found. One is composed of a solid bluish metal with flecks of white, the other is hollowed out and filled with a spongy white substance. These spheres are reportedly so delicately balanced that even with modern technology, they would need to be made in a zero gravity environment to attain these characteristics. These objects have become known as the Klerksdorp spheres.

Of course, the geologists have made an attempt to prove that these artefacts are natural formations or “limonite concretions”. However, they fail to explain how these formations happened naturally with perfectly straight and spaced grooves around the centers.

What Do You Believe In?

Whether one wishes to accept these out-of-place artefacts as true or not, it’s always goes down to personal beliefs. We will never discover the answer to the question of our origin. Humans have been searching for the answer since the dawn of time.

Everything we have been taught in our schools and universities about our origin and history, is based upon nothing more than speculation and hypothesis. There is not a single provable fact out there that conclusively answers the question “where do we come from”.

I encourage you to question everything, and not just blindly accept any viewpoints.

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Article based on: http://www.apparentlyapparel.com

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