Camel Toe Underwear is The Most Bizarre Fashion Trend Gaining Enormous Popularity Lately

 Some wear it to be more seductive, for some it is one of the most bizarre trends ever.

 While many women consider the camel toe to be completely inappropriate, there is another group who think that it is a trendy piece of underwear. Actually, this bizarre trend has gained great popularity lately.

For all those who are not familiar with this expression, camel toe is a slang term for “the visible cleft of the outer labia under tight clothing” or a “frontal wedgie” on women when wearing tight pants or swimsuit bottoms. The expression “camel toe” comes from the similarity between the “frontal wedgie” and the toes of a camel.

In fact, the “camel toe” is a produced by a company in Japan. This company manufactures normal underwear decorated with a camel toe shaped product in the front. The camel toe apparently made of silicon or thick fabric is sewn within normal underwear. These panties are also known as “Party pants.”

 “Shocking lingerie” is just another expression that people use for these odd panties.

This product surfaced several years ago, but it is making a fascinating comeback nowadays. Party Pants are considered to be a product that enjoys great popularity on the transgender market. They are especially appealing to men who are into the process of transitioning to become women. In order to hide and cover their manly parts, they very often choose to wear Party Pants.

Even though some people find them highly appealing and attractive, they don’t look that way at all.

Party Pants come in a variety of colors and styles. There are many different life-like camel toe underwear versions. According to Popdust, the skimpier styles are recognizable because they have “a little curtain that you can wear if you want to hide the camel toe and then flash it when the urge should strike.”

It is creepy how real they actually look.

Many women buy Party Pants because they want to look more seductive. According to product’s description, this underwear promises to “lift and separate” woman parts, which is not seductive at all. Moreover, some women who have tried a pair of those, report that camel toes are truly uncomfortable. However, you should buy a pair if you are curious and want to personally try them.

It is hard to understand why some women prefer a camel toe.

Another Japanese company offers another different product that actually prevents camel toes. So, if you don’t like the look of a camel toe opt for a product from the Cuchini brand with the slogan “Our lips are sealed.” There are many retailers that have started to produce different versions of this anti-camel toe underwear.

This underwear is meant for those who don’t really like the camel toe look.

The anti-camel toe underwear looks way better than the camel toe one. But, after all the choice that everyone makes is a matter of personal taste.


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