The Benefits are Never-ending! This Ingredient Will Enable You To Reverse Cavities And Heal Decomposed Teeth!

By now, you must have heard about coconut oil and its countless benefits for your health. What you probably didn’t know, however, is that this oil can also be very beneficial for your dental health!

Some of the latest researches have shown that coconut oil is the perfect substitute for any toothpaste, and it is even better, since most of the toothpastes contain chemical that can harm our dental health.

This is some very important piece of information, since many mouth infections caused by poor dental care can cause health problems such as strokes, heart issues, dementia, and many respiratory diseases.

A recent study, conducted at the Athlone Institute, discovered that the coconut oil is better the best oil to use when it comes to maintaining our dental hygiene. This oil has various antibacterial properties, and its digestive enzymes prevent bacteria grow in the mouth.

Streptococcus and S Mutans are acid-producing bacteria which are the main reason for the teeth decomposition in both adults and children. They get their energy supplies from sugar and cause an acidic environment in the mouth, which demineralizes the tooth structure. That way, the tooth gets spoilt.

According to Dr. Damien Brady, the main researcher from Athlone Institute of Technology,

“Involving coconut oil with adjusted enzymes in the products of dental hygiene represents an interesting alternative to chemical additives, especially because it works at considerably reduced concentrations. Plus, with bigger antibiotic hostility, it is essential for us to pay attention in finding and using some new ways to fight against microbial infection.”

In order to avoid the harmful chemicals found in toothpaste, you should consider turning to more natural alternatives of teeth cleaning. Toothpastes are rich in sodium lauryl sulfate, triclosan, fluoride, and artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, which might cause issues in the dental health.

For example, sodium lauryl sulfate, an ingredient commonly found in toothpastes, was discovered to negatively affect the taste buds.

Try this natural toothpaste that contains coconut oil for maximum care of your dental health:


  • ½ cup coconut oil
  • 2-3 tablespoons baking soda
  • 15-30 drops of lemon, thieves, or peppermint essential oil

Mix all the ingredients, and use the paste just like you would any other.
Another way to protect your teeth and support dental health is oil pulling. Simply swish a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth for about 5-20 minutes on an empty stomach.

Afterward, spit the oil, which will absorb the bacteria from the mouth, and leave the teeth clean, healthy, and white.

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