Length Of This Finger Reveals The Secret Of Your Personality. It Is Scary True!

Finger shape can tell a lot about a person’s character. It can be easily determined by just looking at their finger shape.

This is one of the most fascinating precise ways to learn how the person you’re talking to or getting to know works on ‘the inside.’ There are a three types of finger shapes in total and if you’re interested to know how they are analyzed, keep on reading:


  • You are distant and closed up, hiding your feelings and refusing to share. This gives you more self-confidence that isn’t actually as strong as it seems.
  • You are highly emotional and once being close enough to someone you can relax.
  • You hate lying, double standards and dishonesties.
  • You can easily hide away emotions and present yourself as strong and untouchable.
  • Sometimes you can be a little arrogant and eccentric, showing zero tolerance.
  • You actually have a heart of gold and are very into helping others. You will see every task through, no matter if you care for it or not.
  • You enjoy smiling and being entertained.
  • You distance yourself from people you don’t think deserve your attention, and instead you tend to stick to your chosen friends and family only.


  • You are not an action taker or an initiator but you are devoted and persistent once you decide to accomplish something.
  • You praise yourself on being loyal and dedicated which is especially true in your romantic relationships.
  • You are deeply sensitive, although you put on another face for the public. You hate seeing someone hurt, so you avoid hurting people’s feelings.
  • You’re often afraid you’ll get emotionally hurt. You know there is a soul mate for you out there, even though you seem uninterested in any of that in front of others.
  • You are not short-tempered and can remain calm even in the worst situation.


  • You like certainty and comfort. All that is new can become a little too stressful for you.
  • You always value other people’s opinions and beliefs.
  • You can get over upsetting scenarios pretty quickly and never hold a grudge towards anyone.
  • You can be demanding or bossy at times due to the buildup ego you have. However, you don’t have a problem with apologizing if you take it too far sometimes.
  • You analyze your feelings with anyone and name a problem once you’ve spotted it.
  • You are direct and certain of your likes and dislikes and you lay them out openly. You take pride in people confiding in you and asking your advice.

Source: https://happylifereport.com/

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